Lets get ready Lions for


 Registration closes Oct 15!






Chi Sigma is a nonprofit service organization for Prestonwood Christian Academy students in grades 5-12 and their parents.




The MISSION of Chi Sigma is to connect our students and parents with a variety of community service opportunities in our school, churches and community. Through these connections, Chi Sigma members will find their passion, which will inspire them to a lifetime of service and increased leadership abilities.






Chi Sigma's purpose is providing opportunities for members to glorify Christ by serving our community together. 



Joining Chi Sigma is not only a great way to spend quality family time with Christ serving, but why not earn those community service hours for college doing something that fulfills your desire to help the community?  It is the desire of Chi Sigma to train good worldwide citizens who have the opportunity to learn how to become servant leaders, how to effectively lead and how to serve others selflessly. In addition to serving within our community, student members also receive training in personal development. By having the opportunity to serve within the community through our partnerships, our members will be learning the concept of service and what it means to their lives as they become the hands and feet of Jesus to so many throughout the year.

Serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord, not people.  Ephesians 6:7